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The Axe
Time doesn’t work the way you think it does.
Brightness Falls
This is the story of a man who loves women, hates his home town, and has to go through a shit ton of shit for both of them. Oh and someone dies during oral sex, can't leave that out.
In 1982 Moe killed a man while defending his son. The next day the man came back. In 1982 Moe went missing. The man continued to come back. In 2014 events are repeating themselves.
Welcome to the Aurora Wasteland
A collection of short stories by Sci-Fi Horror author Vaughn Ashby spread across the literary universe unknown as The Aurora Wasteland.
Click play on the playlist, and check your dimension tables. Track One, in the construction site behind the building where data analyst Vanessa works, a door frame was discovered buried a few feet below the ground. Track Two, after a catastrophic job interview for an entry-level position, Noah stumbles out of the bathroom pantsless and into Vanessa.
Aurora Wasteland Lifecycle
I think I’ve stumbled across something. Something big. Something I need to tell the world about. But I’m not sure how to do so, because I don’t know if I fully understand it. It’s bigger than, well, everything. So, I’m going to need you to pay attention, read between the lines, and come up with your own conclusions, because I’m not going to lay it out for you.
Aurora Wasteland Quarantine
A collection of short stories by Sci-Fi Horror author Vaughn Ashby spread across the literary universe unknown as The Aurora Wasteland.
Santa of the Dead
Santa fighting Zombies… I mean do I really need to write more?
All Your Lives Belong To Us
Nick wakes up in a hotel room and remembers nothing about how he got there. In the hallway just outside his room, he’s murdered. Nick wakes up in a hotel room and remembers nothing about how he got there.
The Wonderful World of Scary Ass Shit
Parallel dimensions exist, let's get that out of the way right now. What matters more is that something is causing them to merge. A process, to put it bluntly, that can only be described as slamming one's tit in the proverbial plane of existence’s door… or simply put, maximum unpleasantness in all the wrong places.
The Blue Dick Ghosts of Mount Tekarra
Something is causing hikers to vanish on Mount Tekarra, which just so happens to be situated in the heart of the Brightness Falls National Park… maybe you’ve heard of it? It’s ok if you haven’t, it’s not really a come visit and expect to leave still living type of place.
The Never Ending Flats of Endless Endlessness
A new and inquisitive journalist is on her way across Canada to explore the world of the Aurora Wasteland. With the podcasts of her favorite wasteland explorer playing on repeat in her ear, she sets out to make a name for herself. Only, the Aurora Wasteland has other plans for her. In a situation known to every single human on planet earth, Bernet, having paid no attention to her bladder's warning as they passed through the last town, was forced to pee on the side of the busiest highway in Canada. After a quick pants drop and tinkle into the snow, Bernet finds herself alone… well, technically not alone. Her warm, bladder-busting tinkle unearthed a body buried in the snow… one she’d never expect to find there… her own.
The Zombie Job
99.9% of humanity was turned into Zombies, in an event known as... you know what, hold on let's go back.
The Rubicon Job
You know that part of the movie where they montage to put the heist team together? Well… we’re doing that, as well as… wait… what?
The Montage Job
Five jobs in one day, all complicated… all made impossible by the ever-growing number of dead that appear to be gathering in the city… all vital to figuring out what the farts is going on with Angie.
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Vaughn Who?
Vaughn Ashby is the bestselling horror author of Tethered, Brightness Falls, The Axe, Welcome to the Aurora Wasteland, & Entanglement. He’s also a multi-viewed YouTube creator, & nightmare inducing Podcaster. Ash, or Uncle Ashby to you, holds degrees in Body Head Separation, Spacial Realignment, & Family Member seducing Time Travel from the schools of Netflix, Blockbuster, & The Local Cinema. Vaughn also recently completed his Masters in Sci-fi Horror writing from the school of YM, better known as Your Mom. Before being dragged into the world of writing kicking and screaming, he was a simple bearded human male with poor spelling skills. He was, and this is just true, not a robot, definitely not a human killing robot, with plans of wiping out the human race through writing complex plots that involve adult humor and sexiness. Vaughn has watched multiple Masterclasses by Aaron Sorkin, Neil Gaimen, Margaret Atwood, & Gordon Ramsey, though not all the way through. He’s also the Winner of the Aurora Wasteland award, for being the only writer to write in that Literary Universe, that he created. His passions include Whiskey, Tattoos, Movies, Writing, & Horror. Find out more about Vaughn at

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